
學講漳州話 Learn Hokkien (Chiangchiu)

——對台灣的《五語快易通》改編過來的     改編者:福建儂Limkianhui

001 學堂邊仔有啥好食的物件無?(學校附近有什麼好吃的東西? Is there anything good to eat around the school? )

002 好食的物件?彼著濟囉!(好吃的東西?那可多囉!Good to eat? Oh, lots of things! )

003 我上愛去夜市仔食物件。(我最喜歡去夜市吃東西。I love eating out at the night market. )

004 下昏頓款好矣!較猛來食飯。(暗餐準備好了,來吃飯吧。Dinner is ready! Please come to the table. )

005 趁燒,緊食。(趁熱,快吃吧。Let’s eat while the food is hot. )

006 下昏頓真腥臊。(好豐盛的晚餐。What a big dinner! )

007 即項菜真好食。(這道菜很好吃。The dish is very delicious. )

008 敢卜食寡果子?好!我卜食牙蕉。(要不要來點水果?好啊,我要吃香蕉。Would you like some fruit? That’s great! May I have a banana? )

009 我會使佫啉一喙仔茶bē ?(我可以再喝一杯茶嗎?May I have another cup of tea? )

010 汝卜食寡物件毋?(你要不要吃點東西?Would you like something to eat ? )

011 我食飽矣,多謝!(我吃飽了,謝謝!I’m so full , thanks. )

012 我毋捌食過即號物件。(我沒吃過這種東西。 I’ve never tried this before. )

013 下昏頓敢有澎湃?(今天的晚餐豐盛嗎?It was an excellent dinner , wasn’t it? )

014 Bē bái,真澎湃!(不錯!非常豐盛。Yes, it was excellent.)

015 我食甲真飽,食bē 落去矣!(我吃得好飽,吃不下了!I’m so stuffed. I can’t have any more. )

016 汝卜啉果汁抑是汽水?(你想喝果汁還是汽水?Which would you like, juice or soda? )

017 我想卜食蠔仔煎。(我想要吃海蠣煎。I would like to have an egg and oyster omelet. )

018 我有紮一寡糖仔甘甜,汝卜食毋?(我帶了一些糖果,你們想吃嗎?I’ve brought along some candies! Do you want to try some? )

019 傷燒啦!先歕歕咧才食。(太燙了,先吹一吹再吃。It’s too hot! Cool it down a bit before starting to eat. )

020 下昏頓小聽候一下著好矣!(晚餐再等一下子就好了!Dinner will be ready soon. )

021 食紅菜頭對汝目睭有好無bái。(吃紅蘿蔔對你的眼睛會有好處。Carrots are good for your eyes. )

022 飯前毋好食赫呢濟四秀仔。(不要在飯前吃那麼多零食Don’t eat too many snacks before dinner. )

023 食飯的時陣,毋通攑箸撽碗。(吃飯時,不要拿筷子敲碗。Don’t drum on your bowl with chopsticks at table. )

024 囡仔儂毋好揀食,碗礓內的物配著食予清氣。(小孩子不要挑食,要把盤子裡的東西都吃完。 Don’t be such a fussy eater! Eat everything on your plate. )

025 加食寡青菜對汝身體有好處。(吃蔬菜對你的身體有幫助Vegetables are good for your health.)

026 真燒噢!著張持。(很燙喔!要小心! It’s really hot. Be careful. )

027 肉粽毋通食傷濟,干那會使食一粒!(粽子不要吃太多,只能吃一個! Don’t eat rice dumplings too much. You can only have one. )

028 汝卜食雞肉飯毋?(你要吃雞肉飯嗎?Would you like to have some chicken rice? )

029 汝敢卜買棉絲糖?(你要買棉花糖嗎? Do you want to buy a cotton candy?)

030 膏啡是誰泡的?Kah遮芳!(誰泡的咖啡?怎麼那麼香! Who made the coffee? It smells great! )

031 這是家治爆的米芳。(這是自己做的爆米花 This is home-made popcorn. )

032 遮个菜尾卜按怎處理咧?(這些剩菜應該如何處理呢? What should we do with the leftovers? )

033 我有一頂茄花色的帽仔。(我有一頂紫色的帽子 I have a purple hat )

034 天氣反冷矣!著加穿衫。(天氣變冷了,要多穿衣服。 It’s getting cold. Need to put more clothes on. )

035 衫傷細領,褲嘛變較短矣。(衣服太小了,褲子也變短了。 The shirt is too small, and the pants are a little short)

036 共褲脫鏈脫予好。(把褲子的拉鏈拉好 Zip up your pants. )

037 手衤宛襒起來。(袖子捲起來 Roll up your sleeves. )

038 鞋帶縛予好。(鞋帶綁好 Lace up your shoes. )

039 先穿襪才穿鞋。(穿鞋之前要先穿襪子 Put on socks before wearing your shoes. )

040 咧落雨矣,雨衫雨鞋趕緊穿起來。(下雨了,快穿上雨衣和雨鞋。 It’s raining. Hurry up! Put your raincoat and boots on. )

041 鞋仔傷細雙,穿著有較絚。(鞋子太小穿起來有點緊。 The shoes pinch me. )

042 即領衤屈價數傷貴。(這件大衣的價錢很昂貴 The coat is too expensive. )

043 衫穿倒反,紐仔佫頂紐鬥下紐。(衣服穿反了,扣子扣錯了。 You put on your clothes the wrong side and buttoned up the wrong way. )

044 寒天逐个攏穿風雪衣佮羊毛衫。(冬天大家都穿衛生衣和毛線衣 People wear thick underwear and sweater in the winter. )

045 即領衫穿著真燒。(這件衣服穿起來很保暖 The clothe can keep you warm. )

046 今仔日著穿制服去學堂。(今天要穿制服上學 We have to be in uniform to school. )

047 上體育課的時陣著穿運動衫。(體育課的時候要穿運動服 You have to wear sports-suit in PE class. )

048 拜三會使穿便裝去學堂。(星期三可以穿便服上學 You can wear muftis to school on Wednesdays. )

049 小弟仔穿牛仔褲,看著真古錐。(弟弟穿牛仔褲很可愛 My younger brother looks cute when he is in jeans. )

050 我有一雙布鞋佮一雙皮鞋。(我有一雙布鞋和一雙皮鞋 I have a pair of sneakers and a pair of shoes. )

051 阿母愛穿高跟鞋。(媽媽喜歡穿高跟鞋 My mom likes to wear high heels. )

052 會褪色的衫褲,毋通濫做一下洗。(有些衣服會褪色,不可以放在一起洗。 Some clothes that the colour might fade away can’t be washed at the same time. )

053 衫沐著烏墨,卜按怎?(衣服沾到墨水,怎麼辦? What can I do to the clothes stained with ink? )

054 汝的衫,紐仔落一紐去。(你的衣服掉了一顆鈕扣。 A button has come off your clothes. )

055 我定定共阮阿母鬥洗衫、鬥拎衫。(我常幫媽媽洗衣服、晾衣服。 I usually help my mom with the laundry. )

056 毋免的確穿新衫啦,清氣佫襒紥著好矣。(不一定要穿新衣服,只要乾淨整齊就好。 Being clean and tidy is more important than wearing new clothes. )

057 我手衤宛去予同學扭破。(我的袖口被同學扯破了。 My sleeve was torn by my classmate. )

058 我有真濟領裌仔。(我有很多件背心 I have many vests. )

059 咱來廳的坐。(我們到客廳坐坐吧! Let’s have a seat in the living room. )

060 阮佇食飯廳食下昏。(我們在飯廳吃晚餐 We eat dinner in the dining room. )

061 阿母佇灶跤煮物件。(媽媽在廚房煮東西 Mom is cooking in the kitchen. )

062 小妹仔佇伊房間內咧睏。(妹妹在她的房裡睡覺 My younger sister is sleeping in her bedroom. )

063 He誰佇浴間仔洗身?較猛咧啦!(誰在浴室洗澡?請快一點! Who is taking a shower in the bathroom? Please be quick. )

064 先生的車趴佇車庫內。(老師的車停在車庫裡 My teacher’s car is parked in the garage, not on the street. )

065 今仔早起,我對樓梯跋落來。(今天早上,我從樓梯上跌下來。 I fell down the stairs this morning. )

066 我的冊囥佇屜仔內底。(我的課本放在抽屜裡 My textbooks are in the drawer of my desk. )

067 共汝的裘仔hiahⁿ去吊咧衫仔櫥內。(把外套拿到衣櫥裡掛起來 Please hang your coat in the closet. )

068 我畫的圖掛佇禮堂。(我的畫掛在禮堂 My painting is displayed in the auditorium. )

069 阮佇電腦教室拍電腦。(我們在電腦教室打電腦 We are using the computers in the computer lab. )

070 先生拄好咧做廣播。(老師正在廣播 My teacher’s show is on air. )

071 先生用手機仔佮家長聯絡。(老師用手機和家長聯絡。 My teacher contacts students’ parents by cellphone. )

072 我家治會曉款冊袋仔。(我會自己收拾書包。 I will pack my school bag myself. )

073 我家治會曉捧碗箸。(我會自己拿碗筷。 I will get my bowl and chopsticks myself. )

074 有儂咧撽門,去共看是誰?(有人在敲門,去看看是誰。 Someone is knocking on the door. Go and see who it is? )

075 有誰卜來共我開門一下?(誰幫我開個門? Can someone open the door for me? )

076 鞋仔褪起來,穿淺拖著好。(把鞋子脫掉,穿上拖鞋。 Take off your shoes and put on the slippers. )

077 免煩惱,我會照時陣倒轉來。(別擔心,我會準時回家。 Don’t worry. I’ll be back on time. )

078 遙控器下佇桌仔頂。(遙控器在桌子上。 The remote control is on the talble. )

079 手去洗洗咧,通來食晝。(去洗手,準備吃午餐。 Wash your hands and come to lunch. )

080 教室挐氅氅,款款收收咧!(教室太亂了,收拾收拾。 Clean up the classroom because it’s a mess. )

081 著會記得關電火。(別忘了關電燈。 Don’t forget to turn off the lights. )

082 汝有法通來辦公廳一下無?(你可以來辦公室一下嗎? Could you come to the office for a minute? )

083 離酒精燈較遠咧,我驚汝去燙著。(離酒精燈遠一點,我怕你被燙到。 Step away from the alcohol lamp because I don’t want you to get burned. )

084 勞煩汝去倒糞埽一下。(麻煩你去倒垃圾。 Please take out the garbage. )

085 學堂的鍾仔聲咧霆矣!(學校的鐘聲響了。 The school bell is ringing. )

086 我睏過頭去矣。(我睡過頭了。 I overslept. )

087 我睏bē 交睡。(我睡不著。 I can’t fall asleep. )

088 功課寫了,才通看電視。(做完功課才能看電視。 No TV until you finish your homework. )

089 去讀冊啦,準備通考試。(去看書,準備考試。 Go to study for the exam. )

090 水撰頭咧滴水。(水龍頭在滴水。 The faucet is dripping. )

091 水槽著塞矣。(洗手台塞住了。 The sink is blocked. )

092 雪文用卜了矣。(肥皂快用完了。 The soap is almost finished. )

093 廁所,放好著沖水。(上完廁所要沖水。 Flush the toilet after you finish. )

094 卜行進前,水著關予密。(離開前,請把水關緊。 Please turn off the water completely before you leave. )

095 花汝沃好矣未?(你澆花了嗎? Have you watered the flowers? )

096 拚掃的時陣到矣。(掃除的時間到囉。 It’s time for spring-cleaning. )

097 無路用紙款款咧,摕摕出去。(把廢紙整理好拿出去。 Bundle the waste paper and take it out. )

098 我會鬥拭窗仔門。(我會幫忙擦窗戶。 I’ll help clean the windows. )

099 遮个窗仔門著洗洗咧。(這些窗戶要洗一洗。 The windows need washing. )

100 學堂對面,有一間超市。(學校對面,有一家超級市場。 A supermarket is opposite to our school. )

101 阮學堂邊仔有真濟菜館。(我們學校附近有很多餐廳。 There are many restaurants near our school. )

102 汝徛佗落?我徛漳州。(你住在哪裡?我住在漳州。 Where do you live? I live in Chiangchiu County. )

103 即棟樓有五棧懸。(這是一棟樓的有五層高。There are five floors in this building. )

104 伊拄來學堂無偌久,較生份。(他剛來到這個學校,對這裡還是很陌生。 He just came to this school. Everything here is new to him. )

105 咱蹛共一條街。(我們住在同一條街上。 We live on the same street.)

106 汝對遮倒斡,著會得找著健康中心矣。(由這裡向左轉,你就可以找到健康中心了。 Turn left and you can find the health center. )

107 即个位是我的,毋是汝的。(這是我的坐位,不是你的。 This is my seat, not yours. )

108 阿吉仔是阮同學兼厝邊。(我同學阿吉是我鄰居。 My classmate Jill is my neighbor. )

109 行路著倚路邊較安全。(走路要靠邊才安全。 It’s safer to walk along the roadside. )

110 佇市內行路,著行天橋。(在市區行人要走天橋 All pedestrians please use the crossover bridge in the downtown. )

111 過車路著看青紅燈。(過馬路要看紅綠燈 Look at the traffic light before crossing the road. )

112 過車路著先看兩爿邊,無車才通過去。(穿過馬路要看清左右,沒有來車才可通過 Look about before crossing the road and go at the moment with no car passing.)

113 坐摩托著戴安全帽。(機車要戴安全帽 Wear a helmet when you ride a motorcycle. )

114 著有安全才有法度轉去到厝的。(安全是通往家中唯一的路 Safety is the only way home. )

115 搭車的時陣,著先讓儂落車才通上車。(乘車次序是先下後上 When getting on the bus, please let other passengers get off first. )

116 佇車頂咱著讓位予無方便的儂。(在車上應讓座給需要的人 Please offer your seat to those in need. )

117 我坐火車去廣州。(我搭火車到廣州 I take the train to Canton )

118 伊搭快運去福州。(他搭快運到福州 He takes the BRT to Foochow)

119 頭前500公尺遐著有公交站牌。(前面五百公尺就有公交車站牌 Walk along 500 meters, and you can see a bus stop. )

120 我拆兩張火車票。(我買了兩張火車票 I’ve bought two train tickets.)

121 遮有自動賣票機。(這裡有自動售票機 Here is a ticket vending machine. )

122 駛車著縖安全帶。(開車前要繫安全帶 Please fasten your seat belt. )

123 後一个雙叉路口斡正手爿。(下一個十字路口請右轉 Please turn right at the next corner. )

124 離較遠咧,較安全。(保持距離,以策安全 Keep distance for safety.)

125 坐的士,著會記得記車牌。(搭計程車請記下車號 Please remember the car plate when you take a taxi. )

126 坐公交車,著紮零星仔。(搭公車要準備零錢 Prepare some coins for taking a bus. )

127 借問中山路著按怎行?(你能告訴我中山路怎麼走嗎? Excuse me. How can I get to Chung Shan Road? )

128 伊真敖眩車。(他很容易暈車 He gets carsick easily. )

129 毋通蹛五跤忌咧走相逐。(走廊上不能奔跑 Don’t run in the hallway. )

130 行樓梯著倚正手爿。(上下樓梯要靠右邊走 Please walk along the righthand side when you go upstairs or downstairs. )

131 排隊毋好挨佮搡。(排路隊不要推擠 Don’t push in the queue. )

132 請坐。(請坐下! Please sit down!)

133 讀煞矣,冊闔起來。(讀完了,把課本合上 OK. It’s over. Close the book, please. )

134 卜佚陶球毋?(想要玩球嗎? Would you like to play ball? )

135 佚陶物仔先收起來。(先把玩具收好。 Put away your toys first! )

136 今仔日拜幾?今仔禮拜。(今天星期幾?今天是星期天 What day is today? It’s Sunday. )

137 汝會曉共著的字找出來bē ?我試看māi咧。(你會找出正確的字嗎?我試試看 Can you find out the correct words? Yes, I would try it. )

138 外口天氣按怎樣?咧落雨矣。(外面天氣怎麼樣?下雨了 How is the weather? It’s raining. )

139 鉸刀毋通攑起來佚陶啦。(請別拿剪刀玩。 Please don’t play with scissors. )

140 汝卜來連看māi毋?(你可以連連看嗎? Can you match them up? )

141 糞埽毋通四界擷。(垃圾別亂丟 Don’t litter! )

142 汝感冒矣,著加啉寡滾水,加歇睏。(你感冒了要多喝水多休息 You have caught a cold. Drink more water and take more rest. )

143 汝跤頭尪仔著傷矣,我共汝挿去健康中心。(你的膝蓋受傷了,我扶你去健康中心 You’ve hurt your knees. I would like to take you to the health center. )

144 咱來操場佚陶。(我們去操場玩 Let’s play in the playground. )

145 門著輕輕仔關。(關門要輕輕的 Close the door gently. )

146 失禮!無要緊!(對不起!沒關係! I am sorry. That’s OK. )

147 汝看起來bē bái。(你看起來不錯! You look nice. )

148 先生,我敢會使去廁所一下?(老師!我可以去上廁所嗎? May I go to the bathroom? )

149 汝鉛筆篋仔內底,貯啥貨?(你的鉛筆盒裡有什麼? What do you have in your pencil case? )

150 有啥工課卜我鬥做的無?(我可以幫你做甚麼? May I help you? )

151 真歡喜熟似汝!我嘛是!(很高興認識你!我也是! Nice to see you. Me, too. )

152 共汝筆記簿佮鉛筆摕出來。(拿起你的筆記本和鉛筆 Get your notebook and a pencil. )

153 攑筆著攑予正。(握筆的姿勢要正確 Hold your pencil correctly. )

154 寫甲遮潦草,拭起來重佫寫。(寫得太潦草了,擦掉重寫。 That is too sloppy! Erase it and try again. )

155 來,我量看汝偌懸。(我幫你量身高 Let me measure your height. )

156 先生即陣佇佗落?先生佇樓頂。(老師現在在哪兒?老師在樓上 Is our teacher upstairs or downstairs? She/He is upstairs. )

157 免苦啦,我會教汝按怎做。(別擔心!我會教你怎麼做。 Don’t worry! I’ll show you how. )

158 較細膩咧。(小心一點 Be careful. )

159 傷過吵,我讀bē落去。(太吵了!我讀不下書! It’s too noisy. I can’t study. )

160 去共水撰頭關予好。(去把水龍頭關好 Turn off the faucet.)

161 先生,ló·力噢!教師節,歡喜噢!(謝謝老師!教師節快樂! Thank you, Teacher. Happy Teachers’ Day! )

162 即份禮是卜送予汝的。(這份禮物是送給你的 The present is for you.)

163 失禮,我來了傷晏矣。(抱歉!我遲到了。 Sorry! I’m late. )

164 汝佇冊櫥仔內底囥啥貨?(你在書櫃裡放什麼? What did you put on the bookshelf? )

165 無要緊,佫重做一擺。(沒關係!再重做一次。 It’s OK. Let’s do it again. )

166 汝咧找啥物件?(你在找什麼東西? Are you looking for something? )

167 汝是按怎咧?我腹肚疼。(怎麼了?我的肚子痛 What’s wrong with you? I got a stomachache. )

168 汝有兄弟姊妹無?(你有沒有兄弟姊妹? Do you have brothers or sisters? )

169 催落!催落!(加油!加油! Go! Go! )

170 即陣比賽煞局矣。(現在比賽結束了 The game is over now. )

171 汝做了真好。(你做得很好 You did a good job.)

172 咱卜佚陶啥?(我們要玩什麼? What game can we play? )

173 著汝矣!(輪到你了 It’s your turn. )

174 看我按怎開球的!(看我發球的方式 Watch the way that I serve. )

175 我真愛去動物園佚陶。(我喜歡去動物園 I like to go to the zoo. )

176 遮光景真水。(這裡的風景很漂亮。 What a breath-taking view! )

177 咱做伙來唱歌。(我們一起來唱歌吧! Let’s sing. )

178 即條歌的調真讚真好聽。 (這首歌的旋律很美。 The song has a pleasant melody. )

179 汝唱歌真好聽。(妳唱歌真好聽。 You sing beautifully. )

180 我上愛的是流行歌即款音樂。(我最喜歡的音樂是流行歌曲 My favorite music is pop )

181 音樂bē輸是我的性命。(音樂是我的生命 Music is my life. )

182 汝有法通泅偌遠?(你可以游多遠? How far can you swim?)

183 阮即隊贏三分。(我們這一隊贏了三分 We won by three runs. )

184 會通親近大自然是好代誌。(親近大自然是件好棒的事 It’s wonderful to be in the great outdoors. )

185 今仔日比賽,阮比輸。(我們輸了今天的比賽。 We lost the game today. )

186 彼種運動真正好。(那是一個好的運動 That’s a good exercise. )

187 汝調掠無準,唱了走調去。(曲調你沒把握好,唱走調了 You are out of tune. )

188 咱來行棋,好毋?(我們來下棋,好嗎? Will you play chess with me?)

189 落課時仔,阮愛奕覕相找。(下課時,我們喜歡玩捉迷藏。My friends like to play hide-and-seek during the break. )

190 比賽了,結局按怎?(比賽的結果如何? How was the game? )

191 Kah會遮好佚陶啦!(怎麼這麼好玩! What a game! )

192 換汝佚陶矣!(該你玩了 It’s your turn to play. )

193 彼个學生品仔歕了真好。(那位學生笛子吹得很好。 The student plays the flute well. )

194 囡仔攏愛佚陶,愛聽講古。(孩子們都喜歡玩遊戲和聽故事 All children love games and stories. )

195 毋愛運動,會變大箍。(不喜歡運動會變胖 Do more exercise or you will get fat. )

196 伊的聲真甜真水,所致伊真愛唱歌。(她的聲音甜美所以她喜歡唱歌。 She likes to sing because her voice is very sweet. )

197 我知影汝愛⻊百山。(我知道你喜歡爬山。 I know you enjoy mountain-climbing. )

198 我想卜去看電影。(我想去看電影 I would like to watch a movie. )

199 表演底時才會起鼓?(表演何時開始? What time does the performance begin? )

200 佗落有當拍籃球?(什麼地方可以打籃球? Where can we play basketball? )

《學講漳州話》,是對臺灣《五語快易通》即套教材來改編的,改編者是福建儂limkianhui。有任何意見佮建議,敬請批評指教:http://hokkienese.com, 感謝。


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Comments: 61

  1. pêng-iú-á 2008-10-24 at 01:30:00 Reply


  2. 小蝌蚪 2008-10-26 at 00:39:50 Reply





    囥 發音成 khng3, 不是 khuiⁿ3 ?

  3. limkianhui 2008-10-26 at 11:28:08 Reply

    小蝌蚪,“囥” 讀 khng3,無讀khuiⁿ3。汝網站我有去看,bē-bái,毋佫我看著較bē慣勢。

  4. 小蝌蚪 2008-10-26 at 14:17:51 Reply

    ē慣勢 bē慣勢 無重要啦! 重要的 是去了解, 福佬語 是一種「雙調漢語方言」(stereotonic language), 和 普通話 及廣東話 彼類的「單調漢語方言」(monotonic language) 無共款. 以後 我遮來解釋卡濟咧.

  5. 小蝌蚪 2008-10-28 at 20:48:01 Reply

    馬馬虎虎, 寫好啦:



  6. 明筠 2008-11-02 at 20:58:32 Reply


    上面的那个录音是建辉本人的发音么? 还是第一次听到,呵呵。
    2、韵母。主要还是 ua/uai、 an/ing、ik/iok的不同。还有一些习惯上读法不同,如“妹”,“着”(loh32),

  7. limkianhui 2008-11-03 at 10:16:41 Reply









  8. 不具 2008-11-04 at 13:59:06 Reply


    1.「爪」有人讀dziau2,有人讀 giau2,寫做「爪鼠」,人無定著計會讀niau2-tshi2/tshu2,感覺上用「鳥鼠」較未看taN7。

    上古端母,台灣參閩南讀ts-的,頂頭講「鳥、丁」無算,其他的字例猶有未少,比論講:吒tshia1、轉tsuan2/tsun7/tsuan7、站 tsam7、貞/偵/楨tsing1、徵tsing1/tsi2、黹tsi2、駐/註tsu3。欲探求、稽考本字,有時仔換一個角度咧,mai7的確著死釘tua3《切韻》系統的字書,個人的主張啦。

    這首詩的全文是「約之閣閣,椓之橐橐,風雨攸除,鳥鼠攸去,君子攸芋」,意思是,ka7(tshu3 e5)枋堵一沿一沿縛乎好勢,用塗填填(thun7)乎tsat8,安呢著毋驚「風雨、鳥鼠」會入來,君子亦因為安呢,所以就會當(tang3)安居。
    這角,「風雨」若當作「風」參「雨」,「鳥鼠」著是「鳥仔」敿「niau2 鼠」。不而過,《詩經》內底,雙音節詞有夠濟,像:


  9. limkianhui 2008-11-06 at 20:02:36 Reply




  10. kua 2008-11-14 at 11:54:45 Reply

    Tē-3 -siaⁿ kah tē-4-siaⁿ pún-tiāu, káⁿ ū cheng-chha ?
    Thiaⁿ ló kán-ná Tâng-oaⁿ ê tē-4-siaⁿ.

  11. limkianhui 2008-11-14 at 23:06:16 Reply

    Kua: Chiang-chiu-oē (Liông-hái), Ē-mn̂g-oē, Tâi-oân-oē tē-3 siaⁿ kah tē-4 siaⁿ pún-tiāu, bô cheng-chha.

  12. - 2008-11-15 at 01:38:07 Reply


  13. kua 2008-11-15 at 05:32:32 Reply

    Góa kóng ê tē-3-siaⁿ sī 陰去, tē-4-siaⁿ 陰入.

  14. abinga 2008-11-24 at 19:16:01 Reply


  15. limkianhui 2008-11-25 at 12:13:39 Reply



  16. binga 2008-11-25 at 20:04:55 Reply




    bîng-à 盲啞
    ke-biang 雞盲(漳州音)夜盲症。



  17. binga 2008-11-25 at 20:06:22 Reply


  18. limkianhui 2008-11-25 at 22:17:54 Reply


  19. binga 2008-11-26 at 08:20:29 Reply

    a1 「bîng-à 盲啞」敢有人用?

  20. limkianhui 2008-11-26 at 09:31:48 Reply


  21. binga 2008-11-26 at 10:58:39 Reply

    「摸心肝、自摸不求人、暗摸摸」bong1、moo1 計有人講。
    「魔神仔」bong5 神仔,「妖魔」著講 妖moo5;
    「金箍棒」金khoo1棒,有人講金kong1 棒。



  22. limkianhui 2008-11-26 at 12:31:14 Reply





  23. kua 2008-11-27 at 06:19:58 Reply

    「魔神(/信?)仔」: 同安常用詞, sit8-tiau7 是 “bonn4 sin3 la7” ;
    「金剛棒」: 同安 講「kim-kong-pāng」;

  24. limkianhui 2008-11-27 at 09:20:42 Reply

    kua: 魔神(仔)是漳州話,意思是「妖魔鬼怪」,引申做「痟ê」。同安敢真正有即款講法?

  25. kua 2008-11-27 at 10:48:40 Reply

    Lim-sian: 「魔神仔」, 同安常用詞.
    Goa2 soe3-han3 e5 si5-chun7, goan2 chhu3-pinn chit8 khoo(40 goa7 her3 lang5), lai5 goan2 lai7 cher7, kong2 i chang-hng chhut-mng5, poann3-mi5 kiann5-loo7–toai3, i chainn2-iunn7 kah 「魔神(/信?)仔」leh bu2 kui-poo, kong2 ka3(/kau3) lan7-chiau2 e7 chip lang5…

    Hit khoo si7 poann3 tang5-ki, i na7 e7-hng si5 chhut-mng5, tiann7-tiann7 tu2 tioh8 「魔神(/信?)仔」.

    「魔神(/信?)仔」, 同安 sit8-tiau7 是 “bonn4 sin3 la7″, goa2 thiann–khiai2 pun2-ji7 si7「魔信–la2」, bo5 khir3 siunn7 tioh8 「魔神–la2」.

  26. binga 2008-11-27 at 15:33:54 Reply


    「魔神(/信?)仔」gun2 bo5-lang5 kong2-chue3″bong11-sin52-a52″,「信」gun2 pian3-tiau7 chue3″上聲”.

  27. limkianhui 2008-11-27 at 18:59:56 Reply



  28. binga 2008-11-27 at 20:06:26 Reply


  29. kua 2008-11-28 at 03:26:46 Reply


    Goa2 koh mng7 goan2 lau7-pe7 lau7-bo2.

    Lang5 na7 chhut-mng5 soah kiann5 bo5 loo7 thang toai3, tioh8 kong2 si7 khir3 hoo7 「魔神(/信?)仔」be5–khir3;
    Lang5 na7 chhut-mng5 soah chiong5 an2-ni phang3-kinn3–khir3, tioh8 kong2 si7 khir3 hoo7 「魔神(/信)仔」chhoa7–khir3.

    猴自天彼枝: kim-kong-PAN.

  30. kua 2008-11-28 at 03:29:47 Reply

    猴自天彼chang5: kim-kong-PAN7; m7-si7 “kim-kong-pāng”

  31. limkianhui 2008-11-28 at 12:52:01 Reply






  32. binga 2008-11-28 at 16:38:31 Reply


  33. limkianhui 2008-11-28 at 22:30:11 Reply


  34. kua 2008-11-29 at 04:26:09 Reply

    binga, Lim’R :

    同安: 牛魔王著講做gu5-ma5-ong5.

  35. binga 2008-11-29 at 17:53:52 Reply

    1.嬰仔tsiah8奶,嘛講 tsiah8-ne1,囡仔欲tsiah8奶(毋管是人奶抑牛奶),講「欲ne1-ne1、欲tsiah8-ne1-ne1」,後來有偏泉腔的所在學in1講,不過調類有改做ne5-ne5(陽平),實際音值是ne11-ne24


  36. limkianhui 2008-11-29 at 18:17:25 Reply




  37. binga 2008-11-29 at 18:55:00 Reply

    Tang5-uann1-ue7 e5:
    1.hien3-chu2-si5(現自時 or 現主時)kam3-u7 kong2-chue3 hien3-chir3-si5
    2.Gun2 kue1-thui2(雞腿)kong2 kue1-bong1,“bong1″si7 phong3-khi3-lai3 e5 i3-sir3,ching2-chit8-lui5,u7-kong2 ching2-chit8-bor5,u7-kong2 ching2-chit8-bong1,Tang5-uann1 u7-lang5 an1-ne7 kong2 bo5?
    3.lir2 kong2「魔神(/信?)仔」hor7-chue3“bonn4 sin3 la7″,“bonn4″kam2-si7 thak8“im1-lip8-tiau7(陰入調)″?

  38. binga 2008-11-29 at 19:16:06 Reply

    2.11月 25th, 2008 at 12:13 pm 汝講:「盲」:話音mê;文音bông。
    我查《閩南方言大辭典》讀音亦是 bong5(陽平)、《彙集雅俗通15音》門母公韻下平聲,讀做bong5,同韻有「風、廣、光、宗」等,同韻同調有「亡、忘、盲」等,下去聲毋收這字。


    Binga: 漳州話,「盲」佇下字唸bông,我猶毋捌聽過下字唸bōng的例。(by Lim)

  39. kua 2008-11-30 at 12:26:05 Reply

    1.hien3-chu2-si5(現自時 or 現主時): Tang5-oann bo5 chit ge5 sir5;
    2.Tang5-oann: (雞腿)kong2 kue1-bong1,“bong1″si7 phong3-khi3-lai3 e5 i3-sir3,hang3-chit8-lui5,u7-kong2 hang3-chit8-bor5,u7-kong2 hang3-chit8-bong1. Lim5–sian pat kong2–ker3, “bong” si7 Tang5-oann e5 te8-sek;
    3. Goan2 lau7-pe7 kong2: 「魔神(/信?)仔」u7 nng7 ji7 choo2-seng5, 魔 kah 信, sainn khir3 hoo7 i moo5–khir3, chiah sin3. Pian3-tiau7 si7 “moo4-sin3-na7”, pun2-tiau7 si7 「魔 神/信 仔」. Tang5-oann lang5 siunn7-kong2 si7 「魔信-a2」. M7-koh chiau3 lin2 an-ni kong2, ing3-kai si7 「魔 神 -a2」 chiah tioh8. 「魔 神 -a2」kah 「魔 信 -a2」Tang5-oann pian3-tiau7 liau2-au7 sann-sang5, ke3-chau5 si7 “moo4-sin3-na7”.
    4.Goan2 lau7-bo2 kong2: a7 u7 lang5 (i3-sir3 si7 “bo5 lang5”) leh kong2 “gu5-moo5-ong5”, tioh8 kong2 “gu5-ma5-ong5” chiah tioh8.
    魔 liam7 “ma”, Jit8-pun2 ma7-si7 liam7 “ma”, pi2-lu7 邪魔 jia-ma, 魔法 ma-hoo.
    5. 奶: Tang5-oann kong2 a) “lin”: milk, breast(s),「奶水」,「乳房」。 b)”ni”: rubber,橡膠
    6. 「盲腸」bong5-tng5, 文盲: bun5-bong5.

  40. binga 2008-11-30 at 22:04:03 Reply

    Tor1-sia7 lir7.
    1.Chiann7-ku2 m7-pat4 thiann1 lang1-kong2 “hang3” a3,chim1-a2 chhun1″hang3-lin1″iau5 u7 lang5 leh4 ing7.

    2.Tai7-khai3 siong7-kor2-im1 kua1-por7(歌部)e5 Ham3-li7,Lit8-pun2-ue7 ia2-koh8 u7 thak8 “-a”,chhan1-chhiunn7 多tha,佐sa,波ha,羅la,果kha ting5,chham1魔kang5-khuan. A thermos Tai5-uan5 sio1-kuan3,kun2-chui2-kuan3,ma33-hor44-bin42(魔法瓶)long2 u7-lang5 kong2.

    3.rubber,gun2 kong2 ching5-lin1,u7-lang5 kong2 chhiu7-lin1,chewing gum gun2 kong2 ching5-lin1-thng5,u7 e5 kong2 chhiu7-lin1-thng5.

  41. binga 2008-12-01 at 19:48:26 Reply

    koh4 麻煩請教一下。

  42. limkianhui 2008-12-01 at 20:41:29 Reply


  43. binga 2008-12-04 at 11:52:04 Reply





    參我所理解的無sang5,阮講khai1-bo5-tin1的意思是「開無討賠e5」、「開無料e5」(無料是ui3日本話來的台灣外來語,本來是free of charge、gratis的意思)。


  44. kua 2008-12-06 at 14:15:13 Reply

    同安: 「徵」tsing1

  45. limkianhui 2008-12-06 at 16:45:19 Reply

    徵:cheng / tin 。漳州是安呢。是毋是會當讀做teng,橫直我毋捌聽過。


  46. binga 2008-12-08 at 09:38:02 Reply

    Tor1-sia7 lng7-ui7.
    Gun1 “a locust” kong1 Tshau2-nih4,u7-tsit8-tiau5 gin2-a2 kua1:Tshau2-nih4 kong1 lai5-tsiah8-te5,Tshau2-lih4 kam2 a7-si7 Tang5-uann1 e5 tik8-su5-im1?

    Tshing2-kau3 kua-sian:
    1.”a jog,work” tir7 Tai5-uan5 “khang1-ke3,khang1-kue3,khang1-ki3” ke3 u7-lang5 kong2,Tang5-uann1 si7 kong2 “khong1-kir3 ia2-si7 khang1-ker3”?
    2.Lir2 kam2-u7 siet8 blog a2-si7 Email? gua2 an3-sng3 tan2 tsit8-phinn1 iu2-kuan1「盲」e5 thak8-huat4 e5 bun5-tsiong1 na7 sia2-ho2, bir4 kia3 hor7 lir7 kiau1 Lim’R,tshiann2 lin2 tsi2-kau3,siu1-kai2 tsit8-e7. Gua2 u7 Lim’R e5 Email add. Gua2 e5 Emil si7 “jetjet1@yam.com”,lir2 na7 u7, kam2 e7-ing7-e3 hoo7-gua2 tsai?

  47. kua 2008-12-09 at 05:01:16 Reply


    Tang5-oann an2-ni kong2:
    1. ” a locust”: tshau2-ni2-kong; tshau2-ni2 (lang7 kue-kang)
    2. “a job, work”: khang-kher3

    Gua2 bo5 blog, gua2 e5 Email: kua888@gmail.com

  48. binga 2008-12-14 at 13:02:47 Reply

    1.Gua2 u7 lng7-pang1 tien7-tsir2-phue1 kia3 hor7 lir7 a7,tshann2 khir3 lir2-e5 phue1-tang5 khuann3-bai7 le3.

    2.Gun2 kong2 “who” hor7-tsue3 “si7 heh4-siang5″,lin2 kong2″si7 he1-sang5″,tshing2-kau3,”he1” kam2-ai3 thak8 pien3-tiau7?

    Bann5-huan5 lir2 khir3 khui1 sin3-siunn1,gua2 u7 mail hor7 lir7,berh7 tshing2-kau3 tsit8-kua2 iong7-li7 kah8 thak8-im1 e5 bun7 tue5.
    Tsiah4 pai3-thok4 lir3.

  49. kua 2008-12-14 at 14:32:47 Reply

    “who” ti7 Tang5-oann:
    pian3-tiau7 si7 [ he7-sang5),
    pun2-tiau7 suah u7 2 tsiong2 kho2-ling5:
    1. he2(陰上)-sang5, 2. he1(陰平)-sang5;
    an3-tsiau3 gua2 e5 intuition,
    pun2-tiau7 ing3-kai si7 [ he2(陰上)-sang5 ].

  50. binga 2009-01-06 at 10:20:23 Reply

    In1-ui3 gua2 e5 tien7-lo2 u7 hacker lip8-tshim1, ing7 kaspersky internet security bu2-kui1-por1, long2 bo5-i1-huat4, it4-tit8 m7-kann2 tsiunn7-bang7, ber2-a3 ing7 a-squared Free e5 lng2-te2 tsiah4 kai2-kuat4. Sor2-i2 tshien5-kah4 tsim1-ma2 tsiah4 her5-phue1, phai2-se3, bann7 tor1-sia7 lir7.

    頂回我有一篇關於 kue1-bong1 的評論欲請教汝,哪會煞無去,汝敢有影著?

  51. limkianhui 2009-01-10 at 22:53:09 Reply


  52. Timothy Miller 2010-01-03 at 17:50:40 Reply

    1Sian-1Söng, 3lü 3ho:
    8tsah-2mi”, 4tü 3Bong-6Siong (4bang-4chiu” ??) 7töh 6chhö 1Tsü-6Liau 2(g)e 2Si-7tsöeh, 3goa 3tu-8tioh 5tui 1Pin-2nng-4sü 5Po·-5Song 2ge 6eng 1chiang-1Chiu-1khiu” 7söh-6oe 2ge “podcasts”. 1thia” 4nng-1sa”-2ge 3Liau-4au, 1kin-3a-8jit 4siu”-8tioh 1Eng-1Kai 5chhi-5khoa” 6chhö 6eng 2tsoa”-1Chiu-1khiu” 3kang-6oe–2ge. 4Tan-4si 5kau 6Hian-4Tsai 2Ui 3Chi, 3iau(“) 6bö 6chhö–8tioh. 6Lo·-3Teng, 5khoa”-8tioh 3lü 3Bong-6Siong 2ge 8mngh-4kia”, 7Hoat-6Hian 3lü 1chin-2chia” 1tsai-3ia” 2ban-2Lam-3Gü 2ge 7It-5Chhe. 3So·-3I 4siu”-8tioh 7böh 7chioh-6mng 3lü 4u 7Hoat 1thang 6kang 3goa 5Kai-4Siau 6eng 1Chha 2bo 6/8joa(h) 4hng 3goa 7khah 8Siok-7Sek 2ge 7hit-3khoan 1khiu” 2ge “podcast” 3/7a 2bo?? (3goa 7böh 3Chi 2ge 1khiu” 6chiu 4si: 6eng -, 1Siong-1Tong 1Ü 1chiang-1Chiu 2ge -, 3lin 2Liong-3Hai 2ge -; 4u 7pöeh-1siaN, 3Mui” 8chit-2ge 7kap 2Ki-1tha(“) 7Chhit-2ge 1sia”-6Tiau 3Khi-3Ma” 5tsöe 5Pian-6Tiau-5Ku 2ge 5Tsoe-4au 8chit-2ge 2Im-7tsat 8Hök-3Chia 4si 5tsöe 7hit 3I-2tsüi” 2ge 1Im-7tsat 6chiu 4u 1Chha-7Piat; 3Li-3Siong 6Siong, 3iau” 4Po·-6Hun 1Hun 1Iong 2bu-1Im 7kap 5Kai-1Im , , 7kap – 1Tiong 2ge .) 3Kam-6Sia 3lü.

    1Hi-6Bong 3lü 2Löng-5Kïo 3Chi-5Kau,
    Timothy Miller (陳廷 = 2Tan 2Teng)

    Dear Mr. Lim,
    Yesterday night, while I was looking for something online, I happened upon the podcasts from Penang in Changchow-accent Southern Min. After I listened to some of them, tonight, I got the idea to see if I can find any podcasts in the accent of Chinchew, since that would be the same as what I have already learned and so keep my accent pure. But, so far, I haven’t been able to find any. Along the way, I discovered your on-line stuff, and found you to have very good knowledge of all things Southern Min. So it occurs to me to ask if you might possibly be able to steer me to podcasts in more or less that accent I know (that accent: with – where Changchow has -, where your Lionghai has -; with eight tone-phonemes, each distinct from the others at least in one or the other position within the accent-phrase, i.e., distinct as its final full-tone syllable and/or distinct pre-finally; and with the central vowels and glides ideally still partially intact, by which I mean, , , and of -)??

    Yours hopefully and appreciatively,
    Timothy Miller (陳廷 = 2Tan 2Teng)

    Post-Script: I read you write
    and thought that you might be interested to know that I’ve heard people in the Prefecture of Chinchew (at least in the city of Zayton) say this as (and also as ). It seems from the fact that you used the character “妹” that, in Lionghai, you pronounce this in tone 46 (i.e., 7 in the numbering-system you use) … If so, that is even stranger than the tone of Chinchew’s , and do you think borrowing between the two dialects in one direction or the other might be the cause? — since Zayton’s tone 1 and Liong-Hai’s tone 46 both would have about the contour [33] … (I just checked in my _Kuang-yün_ to confirm my sense that it gives for the reading Middle Chinese _mje_ alone, i.e., only the even tone = 平聲.)

  53. limkianhui 2010-01-04 at 00:20:51 Reply

    Timothy Miller:汝好。汝講卜揣汝較熟似的、佮汝的腔口較相siâng的“pocasting”,實實講,我嘛毋知卜去叨位揣,歹勢啦。著啦,汝後壁講的彼句,啥物“八調、七調,母音、介音”……我聽無,我英語真bái。本然汝是有寫羅馬字咧對照,不而過soah攏變做亂碼,實在無法度去約(ioh)汝咧講啥。

  54. Tim Miller 2010-01-05 at 06:40:18 Reply

    Lim–Sian-siN, koh chit-Pai lu ho,
    e-tee, goa beh Kai-Pian phoe lai-tee ge Hu-Ho·, Po·-Chhiong khah Oan-Tsoan ge Ek-Bun, tho· lu khah u Hoat-To· Liau-Kai goa ge I-Su. (chhiaN Goan-Liong goa Te-It-Pai bo Hoan-Ek Tsoan-Po· Loe-Iong. Si In-Ui lin “Hokkienese.com” Sia ge Eng-Bun bo m-tioh ge So·-Tsai, So·-I goa soah I-Ui lu It-Teng ee Hiau khoaN.) “podcasts” chit-Su, goa bee Hiau Ek. Tan-Si khoaN lu ge Hoe-Tap, chhi(a)n-chhiuN lu I-Keng pat chit-ge Sin Su.

    Kam-Sia lu ge kang-Hu thak goa ge ban-Lam-Gu,
    Tim Miller

    Sian-Seng, lu ho:
    tsah-miN, tu Bong-Siong (bang-chiuN ??) teh chhe Tsu-Liau (g)e Si-tseeh, goa tu-tioh tui Pin-nng-su Po·-Song ge eng chiang-Chiu-khiuN seh-oe ge “podcasts”. thiaN nng-saN-ge Liau-au, kin-a-jit siuN-tioh Eng-Kai chhi-khoaN chhe eng tsoaN-Chiu-khiuN Kang-oe–ge. Tan-si kau Hian-Tsai Ui Chi, iau(N) be chhe–tioh. Lo·-Teng, khoaN-tioh lu Bong-Siong ge mngh-kiaN, Hoat-Hian lu Chin-chiaN tsai-iaN ban-Lam-Gu ge It-Chhe. So·-I siuN-tioh beh chioh-mng lu u Hoat thang kang goa Kai-Siau eng Chha bo /joa(h) hng goa khah Siok-Sek ge hit-Khoan khiuN ge “podcast” /a(h) bo?? (goa beh Chi ge khiuN Chiu Si: 用 -uiN, 相當於漳州的 -an , 你們龍海的 -eng ; 有八聲,每一個和其他七個聲調起碼作為變調句的最後一個音節或者是那以前的音節就有差別; 理想上還部份分央元音和介音 u , e , 和 -ïo 中的 ï.) eng _-uiN_, Siong-Tong u chiang-Chiu ge _-an_, lin Liong-Hai ge _-eng_; u peeh-siaN, MuiN chit-ge kap Ki-tha(N) Chhit-ge siaN-Tiau Khi-MaN tsee Pian-Tiau-Ku ge Tsoe-au chit-ge Im-tsat Hek-Chia Si tsee hit I-tsuiN ge Im-tsat Chiu u Chha-Piat; Li-Siong Siong, iau Po·-Hun Hun Iong bu-Im kap Kai-Im _u_, _e_, kap _-ïo_ Tiong ge _ï_.) Kam-Sia lu.

    Hi-Bong lu Leng-Kïo Chi-Kau,
    Timothy Miller (陳廷 = tan Teng)

    Dear Mr. Lim,
    Yesterday night, while I was looking for something online, I happened upon the podcasts from Penang in Changchow-accent Southern Min. After I listened to some of them, tonight, I got the idea to see if I can find any podcasts in the accent of Chinchew, since that would be the same as what I have already learned and so keep my accent pure. But, so far, I haven’t been able to find any. Along the way, I discovered your on-line stuff, and found you to have very good knowledge of all things Southern Min. So it occurs to me to ask if you might possibly be able to steer me to podcasts in more or less that accent I know (that accent: with _-uiN_ where Changchow has _-an_, where your Lionghai has _-eng_; with eight tone-phonemes, each distinct from the others at least in one or the other position within the accent-phrase, i.e., distinct as its final full-tone syllable and/or distinct pre-finally; and with the central vowels and glides ideally still
    partially intact, by which I mean, _u_, _e_, and _ï_ of _-ïo_)??

    Yours hopefully and appreciatively,
    Timothy Miller (陳廷 = tan Teng)

    Hïo-Ki: goa khoaN lu Sia
    siuN-Khi chit-Hang lu Tai-Khai ee Kam-Kak u Heng-Chhu ge tai-Chi: goa pat thiaN-tioh tsoaN-Chiu Hu-siaN ge lang Kang _maiN_. lu eng “妹”–ji Sia chhin-chhiuN Si Biau-Si tu Liong-Hai thak tsee _maiN_ (na eng lu hit-Khoan ho-be, Chiu Si “maiN”) … Ki-Jian Si an-niN thak, hit-ge Thok-Im Pi tsoaN-Chiu thak _maiN_ Chiu koh khah u Chhu-Bi. Se-I goa siuN beh mng lu siuN u Kho·N-Leng Goan-In Si chit nng-ge Hong-Gian Ki-Tiong chit-ge chioh liong-goa chit-ge ge Thok-Im a bo? — In-Ui tsoaN-Chiu Te-Khu Te-It-siaN kap chiang-Chiu Te-Khu ge _46_ ge Tiau-Tit piN-piN Chha-Put-To· Si [] … (goa tu-a tsa Tiong-Ko·-Im ge Thok-Hoat Khak-Teng goa ge In-Siong Si Cheng-Khak–ge: gun chhu-lai ge _Kong-Un_ (= 廣韻) lai-tee, 糜–ji Tok-It ge Thok-Im Siok-u piaN-siaN.)

    Post-Script: I read you write
    and thought that you might be interested to know that I’ve heard people in the Prefecture of Chinchew (at least in the city of Zayton) say this as _maiN_ (and also as _be_). It seems from the fact that you used the character “妹” that, in Lionghai, you pronounce this in tone 46 (i.e., in the numbering-system you use) … If so, that is even stranger than the tone of Chinchew’s _maiN_, and do you think borrowing between the two dialects in one direction or the other might be the cause? — since Zayton’s tone and Liong-Hai’s tone 46 both would have about the contour [] … (I just checked in my _Kuang-yun_ to confirm my sense that it gives for 糜 the reading Middle Chinese _mje_ alone, i.e., only the even tone = 平聲.)

  55. limkianhui 2010-01-05 at 12:47:56 Reply

    Timothy Miller (陳廷):

    Lí hó. Kám-siā lí lâi 鹭水芗南闽南语部落 kiâⁿ-ta̍h se̍h-chhit-thô. Lí kóng lí beh khoàⁿ hit-lō koan-hē Choân-chiu-khiuⁿ ê “Podcast”, góa thòe lí chhē-tio̍h chi̍t-gê 福建晉江電視台 ê chiat-bo̍k “咱厝咱儂”, chhiáⁿ khoàⁿ : http://www.jinjiang.tv/video/zczr/2009/1206/21249.html


    著啦,汝講的“46”我聽無。廣韻、集韻chiah-ê傳統的韻書,記錄的是漢字的“調類”,毋是“調值”。調類佮調值是兩个無共款的概念。調類,是漢字的“平仄”(piâⁿ-cheh),反映“平上去入”的屬性。調值是漢字的“音高”,道理有淡薄親像音樂的“音階”(do le mi hua so na si),講較透白的,調值就是“腔口”(腔調),反映著各所在的腔。所以,調類是相對固定不變的(無共的所在,調類攏共款);調值是變化的(無共所在,調值就無共)。



    換一个角度來看,“命”字,佇無共的所在,伊的“調值”(腔調)嘛無共款。用“五度標調法”來做例,比論講,“命”字,廈門、漳州、同安、台灣,調值是33 (表示“音高”是“中平”);泉州腔是21(表示“音高”是“低降”)。所以,會當分別用寬式國際音標記做/mia33/(廈漳台同安)、/mai21/(泉州)。

  56. Tim Miller 2010-01-25 at 09:24:17 Reply

    林先生, 您好:
    谢谢您为我找到那个节目. 我已经看了它的三四个星期. 对我很有用. 再谢您一次! 如果 hokkienese.com 没有把我上次的邮件里的闽南语白话字的拼法改掉的话 (跟第一次的对待不一样), 我心里就更高兴了. (具体是把我在里边用来表示声调的号码差点儿都删略掉, 把我所有加两点的 o 弄成 e, 所有加两点的 u 弄成不带点儿的 u, 结果弄得给人的印象是我乱写.) 我看到了在 hokkienese.com 上用闽南语白话字交流时, 不少人按照他们非厦门腔的口音来拼, 而没人阻碍他们. 我就不清楚为什么我同样做没有受到同样的尊敬呢! 除了我为打字的方便起见用号码代替在元音上边的声调符号儿以外, 我拼的白话字应该比不少在 hokkienese.com 上别人拼的白话字对讲究闽南语的人更熟悉一些, 因为跟 Douglas (= 杜嘉德牧师) 的大字典里属于 “Cn.” 类的拼法是一样的. 杜嘉德的 “Cn.” 音系又 (除几个小细节以外) 和有名的闽南语韵书 _汇音妙悟_ 或是 _增补汇音妙悟_ 的音系是有同样构造的, 又 (再一次除几个小问题外) 和在 hokkienese.com 上有连接的 _當代泉州音字汇_ (http://solution.cs.ucla.edu/~jinbo/dzl/PronunciationKeyShort.php) 的用来标南音 “曲” 里读法的音系 (虽然表面上的符号儿很不同) 还一样. 林先生, 如果您觉得有价值的话, 我请您用我提供过的电子邮件地址就分开在不需要被人欺负的情况下跟我交流 …


    To Tim Miller: 歹勢,汝頂擺寫的羅馬字,我當時真正當做是亂碼(較罕得看儂寫彼款羅馬字),毋chiah會手傷閒去共改。看勢,這毋是「改正」,正經是「改了無正」,呵呵。真失禮。(by Lim)

  57. dan bloom 2011-07-03 at 22:52:52 Reply

    LO LAT

  58. 阿天 2012-10-26 at 13:49:50 Reply

    建輝兄,ce 是毋是海澄話?Ná 像佮漳州市內仒話卡無仝,毋过佮台語倚倚倚,干焦少数仒字辞無仝但定。

    • admin 2012-10-29 at 11:36:18 Reply

      天–哥:彼毋全是海澄話,第一聲的我刁工唸高平,長泰、漳浦著是按呢。(by 有閒來坐)

      • 阿天 2012-10-30 at 19:07:51 Reply

        Oà,本來我斍是干焦海滄、海澄 ciah 参台湾 siâng kà ánne͘。Ah 所以 citmá 仒台湾話,雖然講是漳泉濫,毋过漳嶄然 cē 过泉?

        • admin 2012-10-31 at 08:35:05 Reply

          天哥:嘛勿會使按呢講啦。一半一半。(by 有閒來坐)

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